

Sublimation is the process whereby a solid changes state directly to the gaseous state without passing through the liquid state upon heating 


Iodine and Ammonium chloride 


(i) He may have conducted the experiment in a partial vacuum 

(ii) Addition of impurities like salt 

(iii) T°K = 78 +273 = 351K


(i)presence of moisture 

(ii)presence of oxygen 


4Al(NO3)3(s) ------> 2Al2O3(s) +3O2(q) + 12NO2(q)


(i)sols and gels




Using CAVA/CBVB =nA/nB

0.122*20.50/CB * 25.00 = 2/1

CB = 0.05002moles/dm^3

Using :

Gram conc = molar conc * molar mass 

Molar mass of hydrated salt = 6.203 * 1/0.05002



106 + (18x)= 124

18x = 124 - 106

18x = 18 

x = 18/18 = 1

SaH was NaCO3. H2O


(i)the metal is potassium

(ii) period 4

(iii)group 1

(iv)2k(s) + 2H2O ----> 2NaOH(aq) + H2(q)



Chemical industry are companies that produce industrial chemicals


- Favourable climatic conditions 

- It's nearness to the source of raw materials 

- The availability of space to store raw materials 


(i) It is aldose and it contains alkanal (-CHO) group 

(ii) Brick red precipitate is formed 

(iii) Reducing sugar possess a free aldehyde (-CHO) or ketone (-C=O) group while non reducing sugar a free aldehyde or ketone group is lacking 


(i) Pollution is the release of unwanted materials into the environment which cause adverse change

(ii) Pollutant is a substance or energy introduced into the environment that has undesired effects or adversely effects the usefulness of a resource 












n=0.05mole of CaC2

CaC2+2H2O ---> Can(OH)2+C2H2

0.05mole of CaC2 ----> 0.05mole of C2H2 because the mole ratio are equal 



VC2H2=n*Vm = 0.05*22.4



(i)Na2CO3 ----> soluble 

(ii)K2CO3 ----> soluble 

(iii)ZnCO3 ----> insoluble 

(iv)(NH4)2CO3 ----> soluble



Avogadro's law states that equal volumes of all gases under the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules 



2SO2(g) + O2 ---> 2SO3(g)

2 : 1 : 2

VSO2 = 7.50dm^3

nSO2 = V/Vm = 7.50/22.4 = 0.3348moles

2moles of SO2 ----> 1 moles of O2

0.3348 ----> x 

x = 0.3348/2 = 0.1674moles

nO2 = 0.1674moles

np = n × L = 0.167 × 6.02 × 10^23

np = 1.008 × 10^23molecules

np = 1.01×10^23 molecules 


(I) NaCl -----> Valency of chlorine is 1 

(II) NaO2 -----> Valency of oxygen is 2

(III) Na3N ------> Valency of Nitrogen is 3


(i)Formation of black soap 

(ii)Formation of glycerol 

(iii)It helps in the precipitation of large biomolecules such as protein






Because they react with water to form acids 


- Reaction with sulphur 

S(s) + O2(g) ---> SO2(g)

- Reaction with metals 

4Na(s) + O2(g) ----> 2NaO(s)


Ion is any atom or group of atoms which possess an electric charge 



ION : H^+, F^-, N^3+





Monosaccharide are simple six carbon sugar having the formula C6H12O6 eg glucose and it's isomers are fructose and galactose, both obtainable from fruits and honey 






Ammonium chloride ---> sublimation 

Ink ---> chromatography 

Iron filling ---> magnetic separation 


-Example Of physical Change 

(i)change of matter 

(ii)evaporation of sodium chloride 

-Example of chemical change 

(i)burning of firewood 

(ii)rusting of iron


(i)they are good reducing agent 

(ii)they form basic oxide 

(iii)they formed electro valent bonding 


Aluminum tetraoxosulphate(vi) is prepared by the action of hot concentrated tetraoxosulphate(vi)acid on aluminum oxide 

Al2O3(s) + 3H2SO4(aq)---->Al2(SO4)3(aq)+3H2O(i)

Aluminum tetraoxosulphate(vi) is moderately soluble in water 




(i)it is denser than air

(ii)it is very poisonous 




It turn black due to the formation of black lead (II) sulphide 


Water gas contains flammable gases whereas the producer gas contains both flammable and non-flammable gases 


(I) Diamond ---> Octahedral in shape 

(II) Graphite ---> Hexagonal in shape 


(i) For manufacturing of ammonia and fertilizer

(ii) It is used as a refrigerant and also used to shrink metal parts 

(iii) It is used in grinding substances that are too tough to grind at normal temperature



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