
Marketing concept is a marketing philosophy which sees the consumer or client as the central focus of all the activities of an organisation because no organisation can survive without the continued patronage of its consumer


(i)Production concept:-The production concept is the idea that a firm should focus on in relation to those products that it could produce most efficiently and that the creation of a supply of low - cost products would in and of itself create the demand for the product

(ii)Social Marketing Concept:-Social marketing concept embodies a higher and more enlightened plane of marketing thought and practice. The concept has an emphasis on social responsibility and suggest that for a company to only focus on exchange relationship with customers might not be in order to sustain long term success

(iii)Consumer Orientation approach:-
Modern  marketing  concept is a  concept that embraces  understanding that marketing activities is consumer - oriented. This concept is very popular because the marketing activities of this concept is built on assumptions and application of thought like "More customers know what they need".

(iv)Integrated Organization effort:-While an organization becomes larger and more complex, they tend to break functions into smaller units by  assigning a group of staff to specialize in these activities. This  allows the organization  to manage the complexity of the organization. But with time, no decision maker  can take good decisions  with isolated information that they get from the information of the  individual departments.

Convenience Goods: A category of consumer goods which are bought frequently, quickly and with a minimum of emotional involvement. Most are nondurable goods of low value that are frequently purchased in small quantities. Examples: include tobacco products, soaps and newspaper. 
Shopping goods are purchased only after the buyer compares the products of more than one store or looks at more than one assortment of goods before making a deliberate buying decision. These goods are usually of higher value than convenience goods, bought infrequently, and are durable. Examples are clothing items, Televisions, computers 
Goods which are very unique, unusual, and luxurious in nature are called specialty goods. Specialty goods have characteristics that impel consumers to make special efforts to find them. Consumers often do not consider price at all when shopping for specialty products, example include Particular types of food and expensive imported cars
Unsought goods are products that consumers do not want, use, or even think about purchasing. Unsought goods are requiring advertising and personnel selling support. Unsought shopping goods are frequently brought to customers' attention through advertising, promotions, or chance. Sometimes they are something new on the market, such as digital telephones. examples of unsought goods are life insurance and plots

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Societal Role

Advantages of Radio Advertising
-Cost efficiency
-Mental Imagery

Disadvantages of Radio Advertising
-Lack of a Visual Element
-Audience Fragmentation
-Limited Listener Attention
-Limited Research Data


Distribution channel is the method a channel is defined as the path or route along which goods move from producers or manufacturers to ultimate consumers or industrial users.

(i)Distribution channel is to bridge the gap between production and consumption

(ii)Distribution channel is responsible for promoting the product

(iii)Distribution channel involves in creating contacts for prospective buyers and maintaining liaison with   existing ones

(iv)Distribution channel help in understand the customer's need and adjusting the offer accordingly

(i)Nature of product
(ii)Nature of market
(i)Distribution expenses

(i)Nature of product:-Nature of product has influence on the selection of a channel of distribution. In this case of industrial goods like machinery and equipment, the manufacturer sells direct to industrial user, but in the case of tools, sales take place through middlemen

(ii)Nature of Market:-Choice of suitable channel of distribution also depends on the nature of market. Location of the market and the buying habits of buyers are also analysed

(iii)Distribution expenses:-If the producer makes direct selling, he will have to spend o distribution 
But,  if the product gets goods respond from the dealer, a producer will prefer to sell through them to reduce his distribution expense