Fireboy - [Lyrics] Olamide – Plenty ft. Fireboy DML | Download Mp3 Firebo52
YBNL Empire Boss, singer and rapper, #Olamide returns with a new track he titles "Plenty" featuring #Fireboy DML taken off from his highly anticipated album called "Carpe Diem".

For the purpose of the fans and our users here we bring to you the lyrics to the song 'Plenty'. In case you haven’t download the Song yet, check it out below alongside the Lyrics
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(Verse 1 - Fireboy DML)

Can't touch this, they can't touch me, they can't do me nothing only God can judge me

Emi l'aye mi, making my money, wetin I dey find again, baba God don bless me

(Chorus - Fireboy DML)

Ko dun, ko por, plenty, plenty, o necessary oh, ah ah eh, eh eh eh

Nothing, nothing, no one can change my destiny oh, ah ah eh, eh eh eh

(Verse 2 - Olamide)

Plenty fly, plenty na, plenty hate, plenty mad, plenty fall, plenty rise 

Plenty happy, plenty sad, I get plenty money, plenty style

Plenty pretty girls enter plenty flight, plenty never gon see, plenty tried

Plenty say dem love me na, plenty lie, plenty enemies, mhen I can't even count 

More than 29, yeah dem plenty die, plenty things for bad belle plenty mind 

Plenty dreams, e plenty dem don dey kpai

But my plenty sense it get plenty time, to question everything and ask plenty why

That's why plenty don't wanna see me shine, God bless plenty plenty dollar signs

(Chorus - Fireboy DML)

Ko dun, ko por, plenty, plenty, o necessary oh, ah ah eh, eh eh eh

Nothing, nothing, no one can change my destiny oh, ah ah eh, eh eh eh

(Verse 3 - Olamide)

Plenty stoned and plenty kicked us, when we started plenty dissed us

Plenty Judas, plenty Jesus, plenty culture vultures, they can't deceive us

Plenty Titus, plenty Rufus, plenty lies and plenty rumors

Plenty plus and plenty minus, plenty politics, they can't deny us

Plenty church and plenty mosque, plenty no go believe and plenty must

Plenty idols plenty gods, I'm a one a milli with plenty choice

Plenty play and plenty pause, no plenty leader but plenty boss

Plenty grind we no dey yan, plenty dust, we dey apply pressure and plenty force

(Chorus - Fireboy DML)

Ko dun, ko por, plenty, plenty, o necessary oh, ah ah eh, eh eh eh

Nothing, nothing, no one can change my destiny oh, ah ah eh, eh eh eh

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